Creggan: A Pictorial History is a new history, a record in images illustrating and chronicling the early days of Creggan. It showcases Creggan in the first few decades from its inception in 1947: its greatest days and its lowest ebbs; the joy of new beginnings and the pain of sad partings. It charts triumph in the worlds of sport and the arts and the tragedy of failed politics. It features school kids and snipers, mothers and motorcades, barricades and bridge-builders. But more than anything, this book is a celebration of how Creggan was driven by the spirit of its people.
And although we have managed to capture and preserve many older images that may not have been seen before or which may disappear if not recorded, we are aware that our efforts are only scratching the surface. And to style this publication as the definitive ‘Creggan book’ would be foolish. But we also know that the reader might just enjoy the process for what it is: a snapshot of a much bigger picture.
So, throw away all notions that this is the final word and cast aside the idea that this is the answer to all your Creggan prayers. Instead, immerse yourself in these wonderful pictures and revel in these memories of the most interesting mountain in the most interesting city in Ireland.